
Privacy Policy

Pursuant to and for the purposes of the combined provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code) and European Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), the company NEWCOSE SRL with registered office in Via dei pescatori 27, 23900 Lecco, as Data Controller (hereinafter Data Controller), informs you of the following.

This privacy policy is made available and valid for the website https://venuscomo.com.

Art. 1. Data controller (the person or company who decides how and why to process the data).
NEWCOSE SRL | Via dei pescatori 27, 23900 Lecco | VAT number: IT03891670139 | Email: info@venuscomo.com

Art. 2. Purpose (the purpose for which we collect the data) and legal basis (if a data is mandatory or not to execute the contract, or if the data requires your specific consent to be used).

This website does not track and does not collect data from connected users. There is a contact form that allows interested parties to communicate directly with the data controller. The data transmitted via the contact form is not automatically stored in the database and no cookie data present on users’ computers is collected.
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending by completing the contact form involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s email address necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data entered optionally by the interested party. The mandatory and necessary fields to be able to respond to interested parties’ requests are: Name, Email address and message.
Explicit consent to the processing of data is not required as there is a legitimate interest of the Data Controller in using the information voluntarily provided by the interested party in order to achieve the following purposes:
– respond to requests sent;
– issue estimates, formulate contract proposals;
– fulfill the obligations established by law, by a regulation, by community legislation or by an order from the Authority;
– exercise the rights of the Data Controller, for example the possible right of defense in court.

‍Art. 3. Duration of processing(how long we keep the data).
Without prejudice to the retention period provided for by specific regulations (e.g. tax, anti-money laundering, etc.), for the entire duration of the contract and for the entire duration of any dispute, the data controller retains the data collected for a period maximum of 3 (three) years from the end of the relationship with the interested parties, in order to be able to respond to any requests from the same.

‍Art. 4. Processing methods (how we use the data).
The processing is carried out within the limits strictly necessary to achieve the above purposes (see Art. 2), in compliance with the principle of proportionality in the choice of recording and relocation methods and with the adoption of all appropriate measures to guarantee security. and the confidentiality of the personal data of the interested parties.

‍Art. 5. Where are the collected data located?
The data is processed and stored at the Data Controller’s headquarters and on the company tools used (e.g. computers). All data (paper and digital) are protected by adequate security systems in order to guarantee confidentiality and protection. All data is physically stored in Italy. Some digital files can be stored in cloud systems. The suppliers have been selected in order to guarantee the protection and confidentiality of the data. These devices are physically located within the European Union.

Art. 6. To whom are the data communicated?
The data are not subject to communication and dissemination to third parties, except for obligations deriving from the law. In fulfillment of these obligations, customer data may be transmitted to third parties who carry out the processing on behalf of the Data Controller in their capacity as external managers appointed pursuant to art. 28 GDPR (for example, the accountant for data relating to invoicing), to Credit Institutions, to employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller in carrying out their normal work and/or collaboration activities, as persons authorized to process, the updated list of which is in any case available at the offices of the same.

‍Art. 7. Rights of interested parties(Articles 15 and following of the GDPR).
Art. 15: Right of access, including the right to obtain indication of the expected retention period of personal data, or if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period. Right to obtain information on the origin of the data collected, as well as the purposes and methods of processing. From